In last week’s article we discussed the fact that water in San Diego is relatively cheap, so it’s hard to justify expensive rainwater harvesting strategies. This week we will look at how to optimize your…
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The Return On Investment of Rainwater Harvesting
It’s true that investing in rainwater storage doesn’t pencil out if you are comparing the cost of city water gallon for gallon in todays prices but here are some things to consider that incentivize our…
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The River We Drink
San Diego relies heavily on the Colorado River. But at what cost? What are the alternatives?
All Water is Water: Let’s rethink how we manage water in San Diego
Imagine the path a drop of water from high in the mountains takes to get to your faucet and what happens after it goes down the drain.
Why did the City of San Diego change their Rain Barrel Rebate Program?
Help us advocate for better rainwater rebate programs to increase awareness about this important resourece.
CatchingH2O Enhances Local Water Resilience Through Policy, Education, and Installation
CatchingH2O envisions elevating the use of our local water resources to address climate resilience and environmental and social justice.
Using Rainwater Safely as an Emergency Water Supply
Don’t drink your rainwater until it’s been treated! In the midst of the madness of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been experiencing unusually stormy weather in San Diego, with over 4 inches of rainfall so…
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Beyond compliance: meeting stormwater requirements while maximizing every drop of water and every dollar
Stormwater regulations for new development are important ways the county can ensure compliance with watershed protection requirements. The county has a Best Management Practice manual, which includes resources for how to engineer detention or biofiltration…
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2019 Impact Report
It’s been a fantastic year for San Diego on the water harvesting front.
Innovative Water Treatment in Avalon
Catching H2O has installed the first rainwater system for non-potable indoor use in Southern California at the new Trailhead building in Avalon on Catalina Island. The system uses rainwater with desalinated seawater as backup for…
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