For this homeowner, with a relatively small lot in an exclusive La Jolla neighborhood, locating his rainwater storage tanks in the crawlspace was a great solution for space and cost savings. His 6 tanks have a combined storage of over 6,500 gallons:
Rainwater Storage in Crawlspace
We included a pump to connect to his irrigation system with a hose bib and irrigation valves serving fruit trees, flowering shrubs, and veggie boxes. This pump with a veriable frequency drive provides options for up to 17 GPM at 65 PSI so the homeowner isn’t restricted to low pressure emitters.
VFD Pump Station for Irrigation
At Catching H2O, we take pride in coming up with creative solutions that match our client’s goals, budget and aspirations! Contact us when you are ready to catch some rain!
Site of future veggie beds and other plantings to be irrigated with captured rainwater