Conveyance to a rainwater tank can be as simple as a downspout directed to an in-line filter and to a tank. OR conveyance can make a visual statement about the flow of rainwater during a storm as in this photo. CorGal tanks are exceptionally made and offer great options for keeping the plumbing inside the tank (fire-safe), choosing your liner based on application for the water (potable or non-potable), and providing a system with the ultimate longevity and therefore light environmental footprint!
Some of the other features of CorGal tanks include the following: custom built and assembled on site, may be disassembled and relocated, engineered to ensure durability and seismic stability, steel exterior reflects sunlight keeping water temperature cool, concrete foundation, and can be installed elevated for high visibility or on ground level. CorGal tank sizes range from 6 to 200 feet in diameter or from 700 to 700,000 gallons!!
CorGal at School Garden
Across America, organic grocery stores are saturating the consumer marketplace, nationally and locally. These companies’ objectives are to sell natural and organic products, reach new customers, create eco-friendly buildings, and become an overall green company. To meet their green goals, CorGal Dealers in several states have worked with organic grocers to customize and build CorGal water storage tanks on site. The tanks collect rainwater from the buildings’ roofs for irrigating landscape. With these tanks, grocers are able to reduce energy costs and water waste, making the buildings more sustainable and creating an eco-friendly company image.
CorGal Tanks at Sprouts Market
Contact us if you are interested in CorGal tanks for your home or business!