They are here at last — greywater rebates from the City of San Diego!
The rebates cover both no-permit laundry greywater systems as well as permit systems for other fixtures. The rebate amounts are: $150 — $250 for laundry systems and up to $1,000 for permit systems. Both rebate categories exclude installation costs. The no-permit rebates include materials only and the permit rebates include materials and permit costs.
CatchingH2O can help you design and implement your greywater system including permitting, hands-on workshops, and DIY support.
The illustration above is from the San Diego greywater fact sheet. Note that laundry greywater cannot be released through sub-surface emitters because it is not pumped or filtered. Instead, laundry greywater is typically released through 3/4″ or larger flow control valves under round valve cover boxes in mulch basins.
Combining laundry greywater and rainwater from a downspout is great for fruit trees!
These rebates are a super opportunity to start saving water and growing fruit trees or beautiful ornamental shrubs! Give us a call to set up a site consultation, or fill out our contact form to get started! Spread the news — share this post, tell your friends and colleagues!